my o my ive knit alot!

Monday, May 9, 2011

moms day...

i have to admit, now that my mother has been dead a few years, it still hurts when mother's day comes around. i miss her. i miss talking to her, telling her jokes and making her laugh. i dont miss her being paranoid at all, other than that one thing, i miss her terribly. its only been about 4 years since she died, it seems like a whole lifetime ago, and at teh same time it seems like only yesterday that i was last talking to her. my sons, however, made it a special day for me by calling or visiting me. it was great to touch base with both of them. its been, mostly a good day, all except right now my ears are bothering me. the weather is sucking the life out of my muscles... the arthritis is killing me, other than those things its going well, and has been all day.

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i think im on the fence as to whether im old fashioned or just open and crazy.