Saturday, November 13, 2010
upcoming surgery...
im so frightened at the same time of the pain being worse than ever after the surgery. i hate pain. i hate it a lot. you know when its consensual play its ok but pain inflicted on me from my own body really, really, REALLY sucks.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
just read a funny post...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
other things are going swimmingly. my knitting is progressing a little faster now thank god. i really need to finish the scarf im working on right now. been having some weird dreams about my mother.i guess i miss her more than i thought but the dreams have been nightmarish. like when she stayed with me and was in full blown Alzheimer's, that was freaky as heck. the thing is she was talking to invisible people and threatening to kill me and herself.. only this time she went for it with that big kitchen knife she had. she listened to the voices and it hurt so much when she stabbed me. i sometimes am afraid to sleep after this kind of dream. it fucks with me big-time. i hate when things like this happen cos of that. so messy. so weird and unsettling. anyway thats all for now. thanks for listening.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
busy month...
'i hate you, dont leave me!'
somehow it's all summed up by that one statement. its also the title of a book about broken relationships... broken marriages, really. but it fits what im going thru too. i definitely had a broken relationship with my mother. anyway thats whats up right now, grief and anger are fighting for my attention when im tryign to read, knit and watch movies all at the same time. gotta love being me.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
stuff interferes with life sometime
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
on other subjects, im almost done with the sweater from hell. yay! im working on all the strings hanging off the insides and then i have to cast off the hood and throw it in the wash before i give it to its new owner. so far so good. then i can move on to some other much needed knitting projects. a couple hats and some socks and other things. woohoo!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
i got the grumpies
this is my post to a vent at thought id share it here too.
man people can be so insensative. they think we need the truth. we know the truth and live with it every day damit. harumph! well along with this vent i give some advice or mabye just a different point of view on how to explain fibromyalgia and other autoimmune stuff. so i was talking to my friend the other day and noticed that she had a bruise on her thumb from -guess what? a hammer hitting it instead of the flathead on a nail…. i said to her.. that looks like it hurt. yeah she said it hurt like a sonofabitch… to which i replied imagine that pain not just in your thumb but in your knees and back and ribs and eyeballs… and imagine it never going away again. sometimes its just a mild ache… but usually its a marathon run between the pain and the nausea or hunger it causes cos your body is working overtime to compensate for the pain.. and it hurts so fucking much you wonder how you took your last breathes or if you will still be able to breathe and keep breathing. and sometimes that pain shifts to another part of your body without telling you so you fall down
cos suddenly the pain is just in your knee. your left knee and the pain is so bad you can’t walk or think about walking so you sit. and your friends think its only an excuse that you use when your tirefd but you wish you were tired or the pain would stop or drive you insane if the pain meds tont kick in soon and you cry sometimes but that just adds to the pain cos hten yhour head hurts from crying andyour sinuses are clogged so you can’t breathe or relax cos if you relax the pain takes over so you are battling it by walking anyway and fuck you to anybody that makes a joke about pain and the loss of abilities or anyone that thinks your being lazy so there. so. thats my vent and the way i tell people about what its like to be in this kind of pain all the time. its extreme but sometimes it works and they get it after that. im sorry it turned into a vent but im frustrated and tired. thank you for listening. i wish i didnt have to explain to people about being sick all winter with one thing after another. anyway thank you for listening.
you are my efamily and im happy about the fact you listen adn dont judge.
Monday, March 8, 2010
neglecting things....

i feel like im neglecting things, lately. knitting is getting done and neglected at the same time... oops. also writing is getting neglected too. so much to do so little time. im waiting for a friend to have her baby because im just so busy with other things i feel like im busy being nuts instead of calm but o well its just a feeling, this too shall pass. i just realized im almost finished with the sweater im working on and im very excited about that. so excited i can't stands it no more. anyway im almost done with this sweater and im gonna work at it some more... but first a picture i hope. so thats it. yay!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
knitting is fun and restful...
Monday, February 1, 2010
life happens...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
lots happening...
So,here i am just getting better and the sun is starting to come out and be out more. yay! i love it when the change of season is well reflected. we're already regaining sunlight from the winter. so im on the upswing i guess. feeling better, noticing that the sun is out more, and its getting cold as fudge wihtout chocolate out there. but ya know that february is the coldest month of the year so we'll get thru it. its just gonna take some time.
i feel like my sons are missing a lot by not spending much time with me.. but its not that they are missing me its that.. i dont know, again i have no clue what im trying to say. i miss my older son and wish he would just get a life and get back to talking to me already. my younger son comes and sees me and spends time with me. that makes a big difference in my life. it makes me feel important which is really cool and he thinks im cool even though im a geek. i love my son especially for that. my older son i love him but its the waiting kinda love. its not different just tryingg to be patient while he 'finds himself' which i hope he does real soon. but us moms have to wait and wait and wait sometimes. anyway thats all for now. i hope im not as muddled as i feel right now. thanks for listening.
About Me

- tortus
- i think im on the fence as to whether im old fashioned or just open and crazy.