i dont know that anyone actually reads my posts so i dont post often. life has been kinda busy lately with thanksgiving and all going on. then theres the visitation stuff with my younger son. hes jumped from the frying pan into the fire at this point, but im hoping that he pulls himself out of it by doing what hes told soon. of course he is a teenager so theres no telling when exactly hes gonna get the message.
im currently working on a few projects at a time. the sweater im almost halfway done with finally! a scarf im working on is about a third the way done and a hair thingy. so there you have it. busy as i can be. plus all the reading and watching of movies i do. heh i love me some movies. so here goes for the pictures of my sweater:... o well they came out above my post so there you have it. my latest and hopefully last sweater for a while. good luck to us heheheheh.